May 19, 2011

fucking sorry

fucking seriously sorry . i never thought that my heart would beat damn fast when he told me that you added him in Facebook :'( but he didn't approve you and i know why .

he hates you for making my life damn miserable after we broke up . i cant forget you that every single night i will cry to him . and he will be the one that cure me up . not you .

he hates you for making me damn in love with you that i cant forget you as he thinks its as easy as an ABC's .

i know , you are the one who supposedly hate him for taking me from you . *sigh . i am fucking seriously sorry dude . sorry .

i was just thinking . why didn't you add me instead ? but you added him . you do really hates me right ? :'(

May 17, 2011

pengakuan berani mati hidup semula

come here , say that you still care about me
hug me , tell me that you still love me
stroke my hair , kiss me in the forehead
and tell me that you will never leave me alone like before

lemme say that im missing you big time .
i dont even know why when im talking to him ,
its you whom i imagine talking to .
im getting fuckier day by day .

i know that im not supposed to act this way .
its just when you misses someone too much ,
you will start thinking about him every minutes
like i used to do now

and everytime i cry , i know that i was thinking about you
fate , make this thing easier please ?
show me that he's for me .

im looking forward to my birthday this 28 .
i dont wanna think about it .
you know what's the best present i wish i would get ?
im wishing for you to tell me that you love me , you miss me

i've been missing you for a long time
i dont even know why i kept looking at all your pictures
yeah , im stalking your Facebook
so that it'll break my heart when you've got someone new :/


May 14, 2011

it just happen . for no reason .

everything gets more complicated then we thought it might be
i know this will be hard but lets face it
you and i , or should i say 'us' should forget our pasts
its hard for me but i'm sure you will be okay .
infact , i know that you will be better than before :)

after i called you , i realize how i miss it when we could talk for a very long time because we're using UOX .
hihi i miss it when i topup-ed rm10 and we could talk for all night long

after all , it will all remain as memories for me because there's no turning back in your life dictionary
you wouldn't even come back to me eventhough im the only girl in this world .

May 11, 2011

alhamdulillah :)

Apr 19, 2011

aku harap sangat kau baca ni

aku rasa aku ada dua personaliti la . sekejap benci sekejap rindu :/ kalau kat belog ni , mesti tulis pasal rindu rindu . tapi kat belog lagi satu , tulis pasal benci dia .

tapi kan ...

aku realize yang aku tak benci dia pun . aku cuma nak perasaan benci tu ada . so that aku boleh benci dia , dan lupakan dia terus .

sangat sakit dowh bila tengok profile dia dan dia tegur tegur dengan perempuan . sakit sampai rasa tak boleh nak menangis .

dan tadi , waktu kemas bilik , terjumpa balik baju baju yang dia pernah bagi . dan all the diaries . tapi tak sanggup baca pun , takut termenangis .

dan baju tu , bau hapak . mungkin sebab dah lama tak pakai . then tak basuh . so dengan segala kudrat yang ada , hantar lah baju tu ke mesin basuh .

aku ada text kau . tapi kau tak reply kan :( mungkin kau busy . ya busy . kau kan ada kelas , tak macam aku ni . berangan je kerja .

kawan kawan kau , semua aku unfriend . *sigh . aku takut aku tertegur diorang dan tertanya pasal kau . hm , tak apa . aku tahu jawapan diorang nanti .

sebab kau okay je kan ? kau happy dengan hidup kau sekarang kan ? kau tak perlukan aku pun . ramai lagi perempuan yang kau boleh cari .

perempuan perempuan tu mesti semua lagi cantik dari aku . lagi baik . aku harap kau jumpa nanti orang yang kau betul betul sayang . yang tak akan curang dengan kau .

aku harap dia jaga kau baik baik . sebab aku tak mampu . jadi aku doakan je dari sini .

tolong tahu , yang aku masih sayang kau .

dan mungkin aku masih mengharapkan kau :(

tapi aku tahu semua tu takkan terjadi .

jaga diri kau , aku sayang kau .